Resident Evil 6 Trophy Guide. Difficulty: *** The game requires at least two playthroughs, one on its hardest difficulty mode, plus lots of collectibles to find, and farming for skill points.
Game Name | Difficulty | Trophies | Developer | Country | Bronze | Silver | Gold | Online | DLC |
Resident Evil 6 | *** | 51 | Capcom | Japan | 41 | 7 | 2 | 0 | 20 |
Resident Evil 6
Resident Evil 6 is a third-person over-the-shoulder survival-horror action shooter, with co-op play similar to its prequel Resident Evil 5. The game was first released on the PlayStation 3 in October 2012, and ported onto the PlayStation 4 in March 2016.
The story is broken into four sections, each revolving around the same central events but from different characters' points of view, taking place in a variety of locations until their separate storylines eventually converge in China. Nearly all the main characters from the previous games return, while Umbrella prepares to unleash a deadly virus which could cause another Raccoon City.
The game received mixed reviews, with an average score of 74%. Despite the fantastic graphics and epic story, the game was criticized by some for drawn-out boss battles, added elements such as driving stages, and a further depart from the series' original "survival-horror" genre and becoming more of an action-shooter.
If you've gotten the platinum on Resident Evil 5, then you have a good idea of what's involved for RE6. Playing the game at least twice, once on Professional mode, finding emblems, farming for skill points, and using chapter select to mop-up anything else you need.
The Platinum will take roughly between 40-60 hours, depending on your skills, and whether or not you're playing co-op with someone who knows what they're doing.
NOTE: The Trophies on the PS3 version have a separate list than those on the PS4.
While it's certainly possible to perform one full playthrough by selecting Professional mode, unless you've got some serious skills, we don't recommend it. Instead, start out on Amateur. By beating the game, you will unlock the ability to purchase infinite ammo using your skill points, which will make your playthrough on Professional much easier. For the most part, simply play each of the four campaigns (Ada Wong's story unlocks after clearing the previous three) from start to finish, while trying to find all the Serpent Emblems along the way.
Once you've finished your first playthrough (and if you haven't played on Professional) we recommend farming for some skill points - particularly to spend on the infinite ammo, as well as any other skills you feel will make your life easier, before attempting Professional mode. A good place to farm is Jake's story, 4-3, in which you enter a room with no enemies, but contains one box with 2,000 skill points, and another with 5,000. Then head out of the room, wait for the game to save, and repeat.
After having played the game on Professional mode, all that's left is mopping-up any missed trophies. Use the Chapter Select, and check out the trophy guides in our Links page to help you.
Here's a Walkthrough on IGN to help with boss battles, puzzles, and locating Emblems:
And a great text-based Walkthrough by Bahumaut:
And a collection of video Walkthroughs by the GameFront Staff:
First, this is a fantastic, detailed Trophy Guide by Compalicious and nauGie:
Here's a great Trophy Guide by Dark-Raven666 & MsFuruba, which includes the DLC:
This is a simpler Trophy Guide, but with some videos, by Ferry Groenendijk:
And a Trophy Guide, compiled by several contributors:
And a great Achievement Guide (same as the trophies on PS4) by bs000:
This is a video by TheTrueFanboy demonstrating an easy way to Farm Skill Points:
Here's a Boosting Forum on PlaystationTrophies:
Finally, here's a basic Trophy List: