God of War II Trophy Guide. Difficulty: ** A third-person action game and revamp of the 2007 title on the PS2. A slightly easier Platinum than its predecessor, as there is no Speed Run trophy.
Game Name | Difficulty | Trophies | Developer | Country | Bronze | Silver | Gold | Online | DLC |
God of War II | ** | 35 | Santa Monica Studio / Bluepoint Games | U.S. | 18 | 11 | 5 | 0 | 0 |
God of War II
God of War II is a third-person action adventure, originally released for the PlayStation 2 in March 2007, and revamped for the PlayStation 3 with trophies in the God Of War: Collection in November 2009. It continues the story of Kratos, after killing Aries and becoming the new god of war on Mount Olympus.
Still haunted by the nightmares of his past actions, Kratos collects an army of Spartans and storms the city of Rhodes, despite Athena's warning of his lust for revenge. He becomes shunned by the other gods.
During the battle, Kratos finds his powers drained, before being killed by Zeus himself. He escapes from the underworld with the help of Gaia, who wishes to help Kratos destroy Zeus to undue the error she'd made so long ago.
Players who enjoyed the first game will enjoy the second. New combos and powers are to be tried, more challenges, with the standared blood and violence, all behind a tapestry of a mythological story.
If you've played the first God of War game already, then you know what to expect in terms of difficulty for the second. In fact, God of War II's Platinum is actually a little easier, as there's no "speed run" trophy.
All the others are similar. Most are story-based, and are automatically earned by going through and clearing the game. Others, like in the first title, require you to max out all your weapons, collect all Gorgon Eyes and Feathers, get a 500 hit combo, and complete the Challenge of the Titans. This time, however, you can Save your progress while doing the challenges, unlike the first GOW game which required you to complete everything in one sitting.
All in all, while not as simple as Hannah Montanna or Terminator, God of War II does not require overt skills or time to gain the Platinum trophy.
If you wish to gain the platinum in the quickest way possible, simply set the game on Easy mode, and follow the guides in our Links page. From there, you will discover all hidden chests containing red orbs, all Eyes of the Gorgon, all Uber chests, etc. Also, check out the God of War II trophy guide links under our Links tab to find decent locations and tricks to gaining the 500 hit combo.
If you are unable to max out your weapons, don't worry. You can select New Game + and continue where you left off.
And if you can't collect 20 Cyclops eyes during your playthrough (which we don't think is possible, anyway) you will have the chance when trying the Challenge of the Titans. Simply save your progress and retry the first challenge of ripping out the Cyclops' eye over and over until you've gotten enough for the trophy.
For help with the Challenge of the Gods, see the God of War II trophy guide links under our Links tab.
For a decent Walkthrough with images, visit IGN:
A text-based but detailed Walkthrough is posted on Mahalo:
Another text-based Walkthrough, but includes a few Youtube video links, is posted on Knol:
A detailed, text-based Trophy Guide was posted by Acantophis3rd. Scroll down half-way for the GOW 2 tips:
Another great Trophy Guide, this one created by Mendel:
And another Trophy Guide, on PS3 Trophies:
Finally, here's a basic Trophy List. Scroll down for GOW2: