Sony to Shut Down Online Servers of Various Titles

Sony has just announced they will shutting down the online servers to several of their first-party titles. It was only a few days ago that Killzone 2, Killzone 3, and Gravity Rush 2 was slated to have their servers shut down in Spring of next year. Now, they have added a few more titles to the online chopping block. The following is a complete list of games that will no longer be available for online play, on March 29, 2018:

PlayStation 4
Gravity Rush 2

PlayStation 3
Killzone 2
Killzone 3
WipEout HD
WipEout HD Fury
EyePet Move Edition
EyePet & Friends

PlayStation Vita
WipEout HD
WipEout HD Fury
WipEout 2048

It should be noted that WipEout Omega Collection on the PlayStation 4 is NOT listed to have its servers shut down.

Both Gravity Rush 2 and EyePet & Friends do not have any online trophies, and so their Platinums will remain obtainable after the shut down.

However, Killzone 2 has 10 online trophies, with an extra 24 as part of its DLC, Killzone 3 also has 10 online trophies, WipEout HD has 5, WipEout 2048 has 7, and EyePet has 1 online trophy.

Since the Platinums for these games will become Not Obtainable after March 29, 2018, trophy hunters and completionists may want to finish these up soon.