Due to the arrangement of days this month, we only found out now the next line-up of PlayStation Plus Free Games August 2019 today, which will be available for download on Tuesday, August 6.
First, there’s the WipEout Omega Collection, which includes the remastered WipEout HD, as well as the WipEout HD Fury Expansion, and WipEout 2048. Race against your opponents down roller-coaster like tracks in your anti-gravity ship, or take them out with your arsenal of weapons. The game includes both single-player and online multiplayer.
And, there’s Sniper Elite 4, a third-person tactical shooter with stealth elements. Set in Italy towards the end of World War II, players take out enemies from great distances using their trusted sniper rifle to get those X-Ray kills. The game also includes both co-op and competitive multiplayer modes.
Both the WipEout Omega Collection and Sniper Elite 4 each have a Platinum trophy to be unlocked.
If you’ve ever played any games in the WipEout series, then you should be familiar with how difficult getting the Platinum will be on the WipEout Omega Collection. This will require some incredible racing skills.
Sniper Elite 4 on the other hand, is more average in terms of difficulty, though will require some online play. Also, completionists should take note that the game has Downloadable Content that brings an extra 35 trophies to the list. The DLC is sold separately from the Sniper Elite 4 freebie.