Final Horizon Trophy Guide

Final Horizon Trophy Guide. Difficulty: * A fast-paced tower defense game facing off against swarms of alien invaders. The Platinum requires some luck, but not much time and is not particularly difficult with some grinding.

Game Name Difficulty Trophies Developer Country Bronze Silver Gold Online DLC
Final Horizon * 38 Eiconic Games U.K. 19 15 3 0 7

Final Horizon

Final Horizon is a tower defense game by independent game studio Eiconic Games. Players build and upgrade their defenses in order to fight off waves of alien invaders. Weapons can be upgraded through research, and a kill-count allows players to use powerful kill-streak attacks. There are 50 levels in total, each with their own set of objectives to complete, taking place on 15 different planets across 3 solar systems.

Final Horizon received relatively positive reviews with an average score of 73%, praised for its overall gameplay and setting, though criticized by some for it repetitiveness and luck-based random factors.

While obtaining the Platinum for this game is no cake-walk, it is not very time-consuming and the difficulty is below average. There are no online trophies to worry about, and no missable trophies, either. Completing some levels may require a few replays depending on your luck as well as skills, and a few trophies can be a bit of a grind. Otherwise, the Platinum for Final Horizon is certainly doable for any gamer.

Expect roughly 10-15 hours of gameplay for the Platinum to unlock.

NOTE: The trophies on the PS4 share the same list with those on the PS Vita.

Start by playing through each of the levels all the way to the end. You will need to complete the primary objectives in order to unlock the next level and move on. In addition, there are secondary objectives which will need to be met for each planet’s respective trophy. Most of these secondary objectives are not particularly difficult to complete. However, if you pass a level while missing a secondary objective, it is recommended you try again while that level is still fresh in your mind.

Once you’ve completed all the levels, you should have unlocked a good chunk of the trophies naturally, including those related to completing the secondary objectives.

Next, head into the Score Challenge mode, where you’ll be playing selected levels with modified settings in order to compete for higher scores on the leaderboard. Simply completing one of the score challenge levels will unlock the Challenge Yourself trophy, getting a 15x bonus multiplayer will get you the Player Of Games trophy, and getting a 2x score modifier will unlock the Take It To The Next Level trophy. In addition, you will need to play one level on the hardest difficulty to get a 4x score modifier for the Push Through The Pain Barrier trophy. The easiest level to do this on would arguable be Gamarus Prime 3.

Once that’s done, all you need to do is mop up whatever trophies are left. You can check your progress under the Trophies section of the Battle Log, which includes all the kill-related trophies. Be sure to check out the Final Horizon trophy guide links under our Links tab to see what you still need and their requirements.

Here's a great Trophy Guide by JayPBM and diskdocx, which includes the DLC:

And a video demonstration of the Push Through The Pain Barrier trophy, by FillyNilly:

Lastly, here's a basic Trophy List:

Death Stranding Trophy Guide

Death Stranding Trophy Guide. Difficulty: *** An action game taking place in an open-world post-apocalyptic United States. The Platinum is not difficult but will require many hours of gameplay and grinding.

Game Name Difficulty Trophies Developer Country Bronze Silver Gold Online DLC
Death Stranding *** 63 Kojima Productions Japan 59 2 1 6 0

Death Stranding

Death Stranding is an action game designed by Kojima Productions, and is the first game by Hideo Kojima, creator of the Metal Gear Solid series, since leaving Konami in 2015. Set in an open-world post-apocalyptic United States in which creatures roam the Earth, players control a courier who must deliver supplies to isolated colonies and reconnect their communications network.

Freelance courier Sam Porter Bridges, played by actor Normal Reedus, sets off on a quest to help humanity which is close to extinction by journeying across the continent and reconnect colonies while avoiding the spectral creatures that roam the world.

Death Stranding received positive reviews with an average score of 82%, and won several Game Awards, praised for its music, voice acting, graphics, and creative concept, while criticized by some for its repetitiveness and added details which some critics found more frustrating than fun.

The Platinum for Death Stranding is not particularly difficult, but very time consuming with a lot of grinding, hence the 3-star difficulty. There are no missable trophies to worry about, as the game allows for a post-game play in which all outstanding trophies can be mopped-up. There are technically six online trophies, though these merely require online connectivity as you play single-player. Only the Growth Of A Legend trophy requires 20 deliveries to be made on Hard difficulty, though this can be done anytime in post-game, which means the story can be played on the easiest setting.

Expect anywhere around 100 hours for the Platinum depending on how you play the game, whether you are exploring and taking your time, or rushing through.

There are no missable trophies to worry about, so you can begin by simply playing through the story and enjoying it. You can switch the difficulty mode at anytime. There is only one trophy, Growth Of A Legend, which requires you to make 20 deliveries on Premium difficulty, though this can be easily be done in post-game. As a result, feel free to play the game on its easiest difficulty mode.

Keep in mind that there are six trophies which require you to be connected online as you play through the game. Also, avoid using lethal weapons on any NPCs or MULEs, as a “voidout” will occur if the body is left to decompose over three days.

By the time you complete the story, you will have unlocked a massive chunk of the trophies.

After the credits, you will enter a post-game mode. Here is where you will want to change the difficulty mode to Hard in order to get S ranking on 20 Premium Deliveries for the Growth Of A Legend trophy. Work on getting all Facilities to 5 Stars, reach at least Grade 60 in all delivery evaluation categories, collect all Memory Chips, fabricate all available items, as well as build and fully upgrade all structures. If you feel this will take a lot of time, that is because it will. Expect to put in more hours in the post-game play than in completing the story.

Once those objectives are complete, simply mop up any miscellaneous trophies you may still have outstanding. Be sure to check out the Death Stranding trophy guide links under our Links tab to see what trophies you are still missing and their requirements.

First, IGN has a Walkthrough here:

And a detailed Walkthrough by Peter Brown:

Here is a great Trophy Guide by pennysticks:

And PowerPyx has a great Trophy Guide here:

And here's a detailed Trophy Guide by vex1993:

vinheim has some good Trophy Guide tips here:

A simple but useful Trophy Guide by Huzaifah Durrani:

Here's a video demonstration of the Growth Of A Legend trophy, by pennysticks:

And a video demonstration of the Any Porter In A Storm trophy, also by pennysticks:

And pennysticks' video demonstration of the Public Service Porter trophy:

And a video demonstration of the In Sam We Trust trophy, by pennysticks:

Here is pennysticks' video demonstration of the God Particle Go Getter trophy:

Lastly, here's a basic Trophy List:

Energy Invasion Trophy Guide

Energy Invasion Trophy Guide. Difficulty: * A breakout clone with shooter elements. The Platinum requires more patience than skill, and only a few hours of gameplay.

Game Name Difficulty Trophies Developer Country Bronze Silver Gold Online DLC
Energy Invasion * 19 Sometimes You Russia 3 7 8 0 0

Energy Invasion

Energy Invasion is a breakout clone in which players control a paddle which can move horizontally at the bottom of the screen. The paddle is used to bounce an energy ball against a row of blocks in order to break them. The player can also launch missiles in a chosen direction to assist in breaking the blocks. The game has three different modes, including an Endless mode.

Energy Invasion received generally negative reviews with an average score of 64%, praised for its twist on the breakout-like style of game and music, though criticized for its repetitiveness, visuals, and controls.

Even for those lacking in skill or experience in breakout clone games, the Platinum for Energy Invasion is fairly easy for the most part. Only a few levels may be a bit frustrating due to its luck-dependency. The game can be played on Easy mode, and allows for infinite continues. However, the necessary layers (levels) must be completed in one go, as returning to the menu screen will restart everything to Layer 1.

Expect roughly 3 hours of gameplay for the Platinum.

NOTE: The trophies on the PS4 have a separate list from those on the PS Vita.

There are no difficulty-related trophies, so feel free to play on Easy mode, which allows for more lives and avoid having red orbs shoot at you. Be warned that at any time, if you exit to the Main Menu, you will need to restart the game from the beginning. This means that each of the three modes will need to be played and completed in one sitting.

Begin by selecting Invasion Mode and play until completing Layer 25. Remember, do not exit back to the Main Menu, otherwise you will lose your progress and need to begin at Layer 1 again. You will unlock a trophy for every five Layers you complete, until eventually getting the Salvation trophy for completing Layer 25.

After that, select Linear Mode and play until completing 25. This mode can be tricky, as the blocks will move towards you and cause a game over should they reach you at the bottom of the screen. Completing each Layer is arguably more luck-based than skill. Remember to play on Easy mode, and continue until you’ve completed Layer 25 and unlocked the Persistence trophy. Lastly, remember not to exit to the Main Menu, or you will lose your progress.

Lastly, select Endless Mode and play until completing Layer 30, in order to unlock the Infinity trophy. Though Endless Mode can be played endlessly, you only need to reach Layer 30 for the Platinum.

The only trophy not Layer-related is the Health Pack trophy. While it is not clear how exactly to unlock this trophy, it should naturally unlock during your progress on Invasion mode. Some players reported unlocking the trophy after gaining an extra life, while others stated it was from destroying three or more bricks at the same time. Either way, the Health Pack trophy should unlock during your 2-3 hours of gameplay.

Here's a great Trophy Guide by rmchiva925:

And Rubhen925 has a great Trophy Guide here:

And a video Trophy Guide walkthrough by Rubhen925:

Lastly, here's a basic Trophy List:

X-Morph Defense Trophy Guide

X-Morph Defense Trophy Guide. Difficulty: ** A tower defense game blended with a top-down shooter. The Platinum is of average difficulty, though will require two controllers.

Game Name Difficulty Trophies Developer Country Bronze Silver Gold Online DLC
X-Morph Defense ** 31 EXOR Studios Poland 17 7 6 0 0

X-Morph Defense

X-Morph Defense is a tower-defense strategy game blended with a top-down shooter. Players are an alien race invading Earth, building various types of alien towers to slow down the attacking human forces of tanks, helicopters, and mech suits, while using an arsenal of weapons to destroy the opponent. The game includes both single and local co-op campaigns.

X-Morph Defense received positive reviews with an average score of 78%, praised for its fun mix of shooting and strategy, challenging levels, and local co-op campaign, though criticized by some for its long loading time and repetitiveness.

The game is fairly average in terms of difficulty, and only moderately time-consuming. A minimum of two playthroughs is necessary, though most players will probably complete it in three, with some mopping-up afterwards. A Mission Select means there are no missable trophies to worry about. However, while there are no online trophies, there are seven co-op trophies to unlock. This means you will need a second controller, and hopefully a friend to join you. Obtaining these seven co-op trophies on your own is possible if playing on the easiest setting, though will still require some juggling with two controllers.

Expect around 30-35 hours of gameplay for the Platinum.

NOTE: Two controllers are required.

You will need to complete at least two playthroughs: one on the solo campaign, and another on the local co-op campaign. You will also need to achieve gold trophies on all missions, which is only possible on hard. Also, your upgrades from the co-op campaign will not carry over into your next playthrough, but they will from the single campaign. As a result, these are the steps which we recommend:

Begin with your local co-op campaign on Easy, and complete all the missions. This will require a second controller, and if you have a friend who can join you, all the better. If not, it is possible to do this on your own if you’re good at juggling the two controllers. Doing this will earn you the Alien Invaders trophy for completing the co-op campaign, as well as a few other co-op related trophies. Be sure to check out the X-Morph Defense trophy guide links under our Links tab for more details.

After that, in order to make your Hard playthrough easier, we recommend going through the single campaign on Easy. This way, all your upgrades will carry over and better prepare you for not only the Hard playthrough, but the chance to achieve gold trophies.

Next, it’s time for your third playthrough, this time on Hard mode. Here, focus on preventing core damage, and getting the best time possible, in order to get the Simply The Best trophy for finishing all the missions with gold trophies, which requires earning at least 150,000 points in the mission.

Lastly, use the mission select to mop up any outstanding trophies you may have missed along the way. Again, check out the X-Morph Defense trophy guide links to see what you’re missing and their requirements.

Here's a great Trophy Guide by Poindexter2291:

Here's a video demonstration of the Bunker Buster trophy, by Matt Malcore:

And a video demonstration of the Extra Money trophy, also by Matt Malcore:

And Matt Malcore's playlist of a Gold Trophy playthrough:

Lastly, here's a basic Trophy List:

Dreamals Dream Quest Trophy Guide

Dreamals Dream Quest Trophy Guide. Difficulty: * A 2D puzzle platformer. If following a guide, the Platinum is quick and not particularly difficult.

Game Name Difficulty Trophies Developer Country Bronze Silver Gold Online DLC
Dreamals: Dream Quest * 23 Xiness Games Korea 2 13 7 0 0

Dreamals: Dream Quest

Dreamals: Dream Quest is a 2D platformer puzzle game and sequel to the 2015 title Dreamals. Players take control of three different animals: a fox which can only move to the right, a deer which can only move to the left, and a bird that can only jump. Touching the animals together forms a hybrid with each animal’s movement ability. Players must guide the animals towards a key that opens a portal, then guide them towards the portal. The game includes six different worlds, each with fifteen levels to complete, along with several secret levels.

In the world of Dreamland, anyone can have their wishes granted. Three homeless and wounded animals enter Dreamland in order to find treasures and save their world.

While few online critics have reviewed Dreamals: Dream Quest, the game has generally been praised for its level and puzzle design, and overall entertainment, though criticized for repetitiveness and having to replay levels after learning the exit portal’s location.

While a few levels may require some practice and replay, the Platinum is overall not particularly demanding and can be obtained quite quickly. Following a video guide to help solve the puzzles will make your run fast and easy, and each level can be replayed as many times as necessary until completed under the required time.

If following a video guide, expect around 7-8 hours for the Platinum.

The majority of the trophies are for clearing levels, so start by simply playing through all 6 Worlds. Each world consists of 15 levels, plus one or two Secret levels which are revealed after completing the fifteenth level.

Feel free to figure out the puzzles on your own, or check out the video guides under our Links tab if you’re in a rush to complete the game and unlock the Platinum. Either way, during this first step, try your best at obtaining Five Stars on each level, to avoid replaying later on. Earning Five Stars requires you to complete the level under an undisclosed time limit.

Once you finished all the levels in all six Worlds, you should have the majority of the trophies unlocked.

Now, replay the fifteenth level on the Moon World to view the optional ending, as well as unlock the New Dream Keeper Of Dreamland trophy. After that, start replaying levels which you have not yet earned Five Stars. While there are a total possible of 500 Stars that can be earned throughout the game, you only need 490 in order to unlock the Master Star Collector trophy, which means if a particular level is giving you trouble, feel free to move on to an easier one. Again, check out the video guides, as well as the Dreamals Dream Quest trophy guide links under our Links tab for more details.

Here's a great Trophy Guide by diskdocs:

Here is a video Walkthrough for the Althur City levels, by Inverted Access:

And a video Walkthrough for the Ecleon Ruins levels by Inverted Access:

A video Walkthrough for the Lanx Mountains levels, by Inverted Access:

A video Walkthrough for the Arion Island levels, by Inverted Access:

A video Walkthrough for the Underworld levels, by Inverted Access:

And lastly, a video Walkthrough for the Moon Area levels, by Inverted Access:

Here is a basic Trophy List: