John Daly’s ProStroke Golf Trophy Guide

John Daly’s ProStroke Golf Trophy Guide. Difficulty: ***  A golfing game featuring PGA Tour golfer John Daly and taking place across 12 licensed courses. While the offline trophies are average in difficulty, the online ones are challenging without boosting.

Game Name Difficulty Trophies Developer Country Bronze Silver Gold Online DLC
John Daly’s ProStroke Golf *** 43 Gusto Games U.K. 28 11 3 2 0

John Daly’s ProStroke Golf

John Daly's ProStroke Golf is a golfing video game featuring "Long John" PGA Tour professional golfer John Daly. Players create their own player-character, then compete in 12 licenses courses which Daly has played. The game includes commentary by John Daly, compatibility with the PlayStation Move controller, and online multiplayer matches with up to 4 players.

John Daly's ProStroke Golf received fairly negative reviews, with an average score of 59%, praised for its handling with the PlayStation Move controller, but criticized for its bland graphics and presentation.

There are two online trophies, and one of which - Perfect Host - requires you to host and play a four-player game. Considering the age of the title, as well as its unpopularity, the chances of randomly finding three other players is rare, hence the 3-star rating. If you manage to find some boosting partners and get this trophy out of the way, the platinum could be brought down to a high 2-star difficulty.

The majority of the offline trophies aren't too bad. However, the difficulty curve of the courses steepens towards the last few tournaments where, one wrong move, and you've just wasted your time. Frustration could run high, but still doable with enough practice and patience.

Expect around 20 hours of gameplay for the offline trophies, depending on your skill and luck. The two online trophies will depend on your ability to find other players.

First, we'd like to recommend using your regular controller and not the Move when working on the trophies. The precision is much better and will make your life easier.

You can easily knock out the Two's Company trophy off the bat, by selecting Quick Game in the menu and add four players in the slots, then select Match Play. This can be done with one controller.

Next, it's time to get down to business. Select Challenges under Career Mode, and work on beating John Daly in each of the 12 courses. Each match you beat Daly in will not only earn you a trophy, but unlock the match for tournament play. You will also be unlocking several other trophies along the way, and hopefully also a few of the miscellaneous ones as well.

Now that all the tournaments have been unlocked, you can select Tournaments in Career Mode and work on coming in first place in each, earning that tournament's trophy for each.

Now, it's time for the online. There are two trophies to worry about: Predator for winning a game online, and Perfect Host for hosting and playing a 4-player match. Considering both the unpopularity of the game, and the fact it came out back in 2010, it will be difficult and require much waiting to find any online players. It may be possible to find one person for the Predator trophy, but keep in mind that player must stick around until the last hole in order to unlock the trophy. But more likely, you'll need to scout for players for the Perfect Host, so check out the boosting forums under our Links tab.

If you've managed to do that, then all that remains is mopping-up any miscellaneous trophies you may still be missing. Check out the John Daly's ProStroke Golf trophy guide links under our Links tab to see what you need.

National Geographic Challenge Trophy Guide

National Geographic Challenge Trophy Guide. Difficulty: *  A collection of mini-games divided into quizzes and puzzles based on content from National Geographic. An easy game which only requires around eight hours to unlock the Platinum trophy.

Game Name Difficulty Trophies Developer Country Bronze Silver Gold Online DLC
National Geographic Challenge! * 28 Gusto Games U.K. 8 13 6 0 0

National Geographic Challenge!

National Geographic Challenge! is a quiz and puzzle game, divided into a set of mini-games. Players can either select regions of the world and engage in trivia questions, play a Risk-like puzzle game in Adventurer mode, put together jigsaw puzzles, block puzzles, and sliding puzzle games. The game allows for up to 4 players to compete locally.

National Geographic Challenge! has received very few reviews in general, creating a small average of 62%, praised for its variety of trivia questions and beautiful images brought by National Geographic, but criticized for being mediocre overall.

National Geographic Challenge! is a pretty easy quiz and puzzle game which you can Platinum in less than 8 hours. Many of the puzzles are simple enough to figure out, and the quizzes are divided between Easy and Hard.

NOTE: You will need 3 controllers for the Platinum.

SECOND NOTE: The EU version seems to be experiencing glitches with some of its gold trophies, particularly the On A Roll trophy. However, no problems have been reported with the NA version.

A roadmap isn't really required for this one. But if you're desperate for a sense of direction, we recommend starting with the Explorer portion of the game. Even for the multiplayer trophies, you will only need one controller for this part. Create a two player game, and check out the National Geographic Challenge trophy guide links under our Links tab for specific details on the trophies you can earn in Explorer. These include One Small Step, Dr Livingstone I Presume, Have A Captain Cook, The Grand Tour, Silks And Spices, Voyage Of Discover, The Inca Trail, Hearts And Minds, On A Roll, All For One, and Diversity.

Next, you can move onto the puzzles. Again, you might want to check out the National Geographic Challenge trophy guide links under our Links tab, but basically you'll be playing and unlocking new puzzles. Also, make sure to play at least one two-player game, and have player one win. Here, you can earn Prince Of Puzzles, Jiggery Pokery, Lord Of The Dance, Squared Away, Square Eyes, Slipping And Sliding, and Let It Slide.

Last, are the quizes. This is where you'll need three controllers, to win a Long Quiz for the Bragging Rights trophy. Other trophies will only need one controller, where you can simply mop up whatever you still need for the Platinum.

NatGeo Quiz Wild Life Trophy Guide

NatGeo Quiz Wild Life Trophy Guide. Difficulty: **  A quiz game based on content from National Geographic, with over 5,000 questions to test your wild life knowledge. The Platinum trophy is more time-consuming than difficult, with plenty of grinding required.

Game Name Difficulty Trophies Developer Country Bronze Silver Gold Online DLC
NatGeo Quiz! Wild Life ** 41 Gusto Games U.K. 23 14 3 0 7

NatGeo Quiz! Wild Life

NatGeo Quiz! Wild Life, also known as Nat Geo Challenge Wild Life in North America, is a quiz game based on content from National Geographic. The game includes over 5,000 questions under four quiz themes: Aquatic Life, Dangerous Encounters, Amazing Planet, and Predator vs. Prey, in 15 different quiz types. The game is available for up to four players locally.

NatGeo Quiz! Wild Life received lukewarm reviews with an average score of 63%, praised for its vast number of quiz questions and content, and its stunning images, but criticized by some for dull puzzles and topics limited to nature.

NatGeo Quiz! Wild Life can be played on Easy mode, and even then, you have the chance to pause the game and look up the answers on the internet. Only the "what do you see" questions, and a few puzzle games may be tricky at times. But for the most part, the 2-star difficulty is more for time required than any trivia-knowledge or skill, as you'll need to grind through to earn 50 wins at least twice.

NOTE: You will need a second controller for some of the trophies.

Before we begin, it's highly recommended you use a second controller whenever you can, as it will make your playthrough towards the 50 quiz wins and 50 Stat Attax wins easier by being able to control the second player and answering questions incorrectly.

We recommend beginning with the Stat Attax mode. This is because there are only a few cards available at the moment, but playing through other modes will unlock more, causing the time required to win Stat Attax longer. Your ultimate goal here is to grind towards 50 wins for the Top Stat Attacker trophy, which will also earn you the Stat Attax Novice trophy for getting one win, and Stat Attacker trophy for 25 wins along the way. During your 50 win grind, you should also work on unlocking the Full House, Tie Breaker, and Lost 5 trophies.

Next, you can move onto Quiz mode. Here, we'll need to do more 50 multi-team quiz win grinding for the Quiz Master trophy, which will also earn you the You're Good trophy for 25 wins and Common Knowledge trophy for 10 wins along the way. You should also unlock Family Time, What Competition, and Brain Box during your grind for playing with multiple players. This can still be done with only two controllers. Playing on Quiz mode is also where you'll want to unlock the That's Easy and Quiz Genius trophies, as well as General Knowledge, Team Work, and the Mega Score trophies.

Next, it's time for Quest mode. Your main focus should be unlocking The Big 50 trophy, which requires a perfect score of 10 out of 10 in 50 episodes without retrying. You can still pause the game to check your answers online. With this out of the way, simply mop-up any other quest mode related trophies you still need.

The last set of trophies are related to the Puzzles, to which there are 68 of them that require completion. After that, simply mop-up anything you might still be missing, and enjoy your new Platinum.